"UIPATH 1"="Program Options\Built in Windows Apps\Windows Media Player"
"UIPATH 2"="Internet\Windows Media Player"
"NAME"="Window Title"
"TEXT 1"="Title"
"DESCRIPTION 1"="You can change the title of the WMP window here."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="To revert to the original title again, clear the field and press "Apply"."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="NOTE: In WMP 6.x, the text you type will be used as the full window title. In WMP 7.x and 8.x, the title will be preceeded by "Windows Media Player provided by". So if you typed "Xteq Systems" in the field, under WMP 6.x the window title would be "Xteq Systems", but under 7.x and 8.x it would be "Windows Media Player provided by Xteq Systems"."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"